Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Women of the 21st Century

Women today have overcome the immense repression from previous generations. They have gained the right to vote, have fought their way into political positions, and hold full-time jobs. Women in the workforce hold jobs right next to men, doing the same work, and performing at the same rate. Many women choose to be stay at home moms when their husband can financially support the family without a second income. This however, is a choice, rather than an expected role as it was in the past. Women today pride themselves as being completely equal with men, and have proved themselves in many aspects to be just that.

Women of the 50s

Although the number of women at work did continue to rise after the war, female workers and career-women were viewed with suspicion by many. The traditional idea that a woman’s role was a homemaker raising her family was very influential in1950s USA. The average age at which women were married was 20 – the youngest for 60 years. Newspaper and magazine articles encouraged women to return to the home. Popular TV shows such as 'I Love Lucy' and 'Father Knows Best' carried this message into homes. It claimed that most of society’s problems – alcoholism, teenage hooliganism and even war – were because of women following careers instead of being housewives and mothers.

Women of the 20s

Despite increasing opportunities in employment and education, and the expanding concept of a “woman’s place,” marriage remained the goal of most young women. Magazine articles and movies encouraged women to believe that their economic security and social status depended on a successful marriage. The majority worked only until they married. The flapper—with her short skirts, short hair, noticeable makeup, and fun-loving attitude—represented a new freedom for women. The old restrictions on dress and behavior were being overthrown. Highly publicized flappers shortened their skirts, drank illegal alcohol, smoked, and otherwise defied society’s expectations of proper conduct for young women.

Women of the Dark Ages 500-1000 A.D.

The women of the Middle Ages were totally dominated by the male members of their family. The women were expected to instantly obey not only their father, but also their brothers and any other male members of the family. Any unruly girls were beaten into submission and disobedience was seen as a crime against religion. Woman's inferior status was governed completely because of one fatal failure: her sex. The Church blamed Eve for the Fall of Man and thus the woman was in fact an instrument of the Devil, to be feared more than the poison of snakes. Women were objects who were bought and sold. Girls were punished for reducing their value by losing their virginity. Woman was both revered and abhorred; she was seen as a necessary evil but, because of the nature of medieval life, women were of as much value to the smooth functioning of daily life as men were. 

Women of Ancient Greece 3300-31 B.C.

Athenian philosophers, except Plato, held that women had a very poor mind but a strong emotional realm. They could harm themselves and other people, therefore they should have been protected from themselves and, when possible, incapacitated. That’s why each woman had her own guardian – usually father, brother, husband or other relative of her. A woman could own a property, such as clothes, jewellery, slaves, however, she wasn’t able to buy anything, to own a land or to contract. A guardian controlled all aspects of her life. Athenian citizenship enabled her to marry another citizen, to participate in religious ceremonies, but she still had no voting right or financial independence. Each wife’s duty was to born legitimate children and to manage the chores in an economical way. She was expected to remain inside her home.